Cleethorpes Announcement

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Cleethorpes Announcement

Post by Steve »

Following the announcement that Cleethorpes have failed to find a suitable site for an Aire Inhave sent these email to our contact who has been engaging with the council.

As you are aware CAMpRA have been advising many councils with Durham just announcing the provision of their first Aire on the Park and Ride site and Gwynedd announcing Aires with waste points on 6 of their car parks.
CAMpRA UK Ltd are now stakeholders in the APPG for Holiday Parks and Campsites, a group who recognise the estimated £1billion per year to local businesses is vital to the recovery of the UK economy.
We are working with campsites to see how they can provide a year round facility and Jubillee Park in Lincolnshire is our first Campsite staying open during the closed season as a winter Aire.
9 pitches used for self contained motorcaravans only, have been fully booked every weekend when the main campsite is closed, this extends the season not only for the campsite but also for the local town.

CAMpRA are now acknowledged as the UK source of information on Aires with our new business hub and as the leading authority on Aires in the UK.

Campra UK Ltd are a not for profit company limited by guarantee and we are available to advise any council on the provision of facilities as consultants with no cost to the council.

Our facebook membership now stands at over 26,000 in 18 months and over 600,000 with associated groups.

On behalf of CAMpRA I would like to formally offer our assistance in locating potential sites, discussing options and the requirements for motorcaravan overnight parking and waste disposal facilities, including potential financial assistance for charities or community groups to install a waste emptying point.

All that we ask is an opportunity to engage with the council like we are doing with other councils who have been surprised at the options that they had not thought of.

As for busy car parks can I ask a simple question “are motorcaravans allowed to use the car park during the day when they are busy”? If they are then allowing them to use the car park overnight when they are empty will have little effect on the car park.
It will generate revenue to maintain or expand the car park, it will encourage motorcaravan owners to go for a night out and support local hospitality who desperately need it and local shops as they need supplies.
How much will it cost? The cost if erecting a sign!
See attached document produced for Great Yarmouth but would equally apply to Cleethorpes and please get in touch.
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Steve - CAMpRA Leadership Team

Re: Cleethorpes Announcement

Post by JLO »

Do we have anyone in CAMpRA who can work with Cleethorpes? There is a consultancy firm involved too so wondering if it’s worth talking to them

Re: Cleethorpes Announcement

Post by JLO »


Hemingway Way Design are the consultancy firm who have been given the job of regenerating Cleethorpes to provide year round tourism, perhaps send your letter to them. The head of the company is Wayne Hemingway
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Re: Cleethorpes Announcement

Post by Steve »

Jacqui, we are engaged with Cleethorpes and the consultant, they were speaking to Camping Car Parks.
Me email reply was sent to our contact, the councillor and consultant who are pushing for an Aire.

We have offered an Olive Branch with a formal offer to assist them.
Steve - CAMpRA Leadership Team
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Re: Cleethorpes Announcement

Post by Steve »


Dear Wayne,
CAMpRA UK Ltd a not for profit company limited by guarantee have been advising many councils on the provision of overnight parking for the UK’s fastest growing tourism sector, commonly known as Aires.

With Durham just announcing the provision of their first Aire on the Park and Ride site and Gwynedd announcing Aires with waste points on 6 of their car parks these following the West Hams trial in 5 car parks and Scotland relaxing planning consent to promote more Aires to welcome the UK’s 389,000 motorcaravans plus preparing to attract the 2 million plus in mainland Europe we feel that Cleethorpes are missing out on this huge potential year round revenue stream.

CAMpRA UK Ltd are now stakeholders in the APPG for Holiday Parks and Campsites, a group who recognise the estimated £1billion per year to local businesses is vital to the recovery of the UK economy.
We are working with campsites to see how they can provide a year round facility and Jubillee Park in Lincolnshire is our first Campsite staying open during the closed season as a winter Aire.
9 pitches used for self contained motorcaravans only, have been fully booked every weekend when the main campsite is closed, this extends the season not only for the campsite but also for the local town.

CAMpRA are now acknowledged as the UK source of information on Aires with our new business hub and as the leading authority on Aires in the UK.

Campra UK Ltd are a not for profit company limited by guarantee and we are available to advise any council on the provision of facilities as consultants with no cost to the council.

Our facebook membership now stands at over 26,000 in 18 months and over 600,000 with associated groups.

On behalf of CAMpRA I would like to formally offer our assistance in locating potential sites, discussing options and the requirements for motorcaravan overnight parking and waste disposal facilities, including potential financial assistance for charities or community groups to install a waste emptying point.

All that we ask is an opportunity to engage with the council like we are doing with other councils who have been surprised at the options that they had not thought of.

As for busy car parks can I ask a simple question “are motorcaravans allowed to use the car park during the day when they are busy”? If they are then allowing them to use the car park overnight when they are empty will have little effect on the car park.
It will generate revenue to maintain or expand the car park, it will encourage motorcaravan owners to go for a night out and support local hospitality who desperately need it and local shops as they need supplies.
How much will it cost? The cost if erecting a sign!
See attached document produced for Great Yarmouth but would equally apply to Cleethorpes.
Please feel free to visit our business hub and do watch the two short videos but most importantly we would ask that you engage with us and consider the often overlooked economic benefits of touring motorcaravans something that is well established in the rest of Europe.
Steve - CAMpRA Leadership Team

Re: Cleethorpes Announcement

Post by JLO »

Hopefully they’ll be in touch soon
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